Featured Products
Helical Coil Heat Exchanger
Nested Helical Coil Heat Exchanger
Box Shaped Coil Heat Exchanger
Multi-Layer Box Shape Coil
Copper Flat Sprial Coil
Titanium Zig Zag Coil
Beer/Beverage Cooling Coil
Special Shaped Cooling Coil Heat Exchanger

Benefits Of Choosing Lizheng Corp For Your Tube Coil
Whether you are in aerospace manufacturing, the food industry, shipbuilding, or any other type of industry it is important that each component works properly. Whether they are needed to transport chemicals, used for cooling, heat exchange, or any other use it is important that your tube coil products function as efficiently as possible. If you are looking for any type of steel tube coil, here are a few reasons to choose Lizheng Corp:
Each Coil Is Made From A Single Pipe
Unlike other tube coil manufacturers, Lizheng Corp manufactures each coil from a single pipe. This means that there are no areas where the pipe has been welded or joined together with additional pieces which can lower durability and increase the likely hood of failure. With a single pipe tube coil, you reduce the leak chance and make your final product more reliable.
Sizes Custom Made For Your Order
At Lizheng Stainless Steel Corp each tube can be customized to suit your exact need no matter what the size is. Depending on your project, each coil tube is measured to fit and crafted from one stainless steel tube. This makes our coils perfect for any type of custom project that don’t fit standard tubing sizes and eliminates the need for welding. Tubing can be made small enough for drink cooling or large enough for reaction stills.
Any Type Of Tube Coil For Your Needs
Our tube coil products are able to be shaped and sized for any type of project. In addition to standard helical coils, we can also shape nested tube coils to save space or fit design needs, multilayered rectangular tubing coil, as well as flat spiral coil, finned tube coil, or virtually any other type of coil design you may need. This makes Lizheng tube coils perfect whether you need them for a manufacturing project or any type of industrial need.

About Us
Lizheng Stainless Steel Tube & Coil Corp is a specialized manufacturer of stainless steel tube helical coil for diverse industries worldwide. Our products are used in applications for the energy sector, chemical process and instrumentation, aerospace and defense, chromatography, and shipbuilding industry.
We provide high-quality service and products. Our experienced engineers provide expertise on new product development, through continuous improvement and lean manufacturing.

Business Partner

Contact Us
North America
Lizheng Stainless Steel Tube & Coil Corp
3902 Henderson Blvd
Suite 208 #207
Tampa, FL 33629
Tel: +1-(929) 888-1829
Fax: +1-352-353-8014
Foshan Lizheng Stianless Steel Co.
No.2 Baishangang Industry distict.
Muyuan,Shishan Town, Nanhai District
Foshan, Guangdong, Zip:528225
Tel: +86-13302813971
Website: www.lzbxg.cn
Email: info@lzbxg.cn
Hong Kong
Foshan Lizheng Stianless Steel Co.
1508 Room 1508, 15/F., Office Tower Two,Grand Plaza,625 Nathan Road,Kowloon
Hong Kong
Tel: +86-13302813971